
“The Copier” at Kristinehamns Konstmuseum

Welcome to Kristinehamns Konstmuseum 1/3 for the opening of my show, with the new work “The Copier”.  It is part of the museums grant, that I recevied this year.  The show is open 1/3-27/4 2014.



Preview of new work

Welcome to a preview of my new work, a 4 channel video installation centered around a copy machine. Opening at Galleri Konstfack 6/11 16:00 (4pm). The gallery will be open thursday, friday and saturday 14:00-18:00. I would love your feedback on the work, so feel free to come by.




Video documentations

Here’s a video documentation from a talk I participated in last week. In swedish.

Carl Olof Berg, koreograf, Anders Brokvist (Ismael Ataria), författare, Wilhelm Forsnäsgård, filmare, Tuva Hardorp, musiker (Vidar), och Anna Lidberg, konstnär.”


And heres one that Kil’s Lina Nyåker made about Station AiR:

“I’m from Hot Land”

Im participating in the group show “I’m from Hot Land” at Rackstadmuseet, Arvika.  19/10-23/11.




I will be participating in a panel discussion at the cultural conference “Kulturparlamentet”. 15/10 in Karlstad. For more information, follow this link.


“Station” AiR for Groups

In collaboration with Anna Åberg from Kils municipality I have started a new Artist in Residency! My role has, among other things, been to experiment with the residency as a form, and to test how power structures can be challenged through different measures. One of these are that the artists apply as a group and thereby get the power to decide what artist to work with side by side during the residency. This gives them a stronger position in relation to the municipality. It’s also a way of challenging the thought of the artist as “a brand” and give us/them new ways of working collectively.

The residency pays the artists during their stay, both for just being there and for participating in three public events during their stay. They also get a small budget for materials. I believe that working with art should be as respected – not more or less – as other work. It’s neither just for fun or a task sent from above. This means we have to get paid for what we do so people can work with art as a living and to make sure that not only people who can get money elsewhere are the ones who can afford to work with art. I also think it is of great importance to try to find ways to fund artistic work without the pressure to produce work to be sold on a market.

It is extremely important for us to work in a gender-aware way and try to do our part in changing twisted patriarchal systems. Therefore, we have decided that, every other year, Station will only be open for applications from people who identifies as women. This is to compensate for the fact that men are more privileged in the art world, and also to bring amazing female artists to Kil, where a debate on equality needs to take place, (as it does in most places). We are starting out with a group of artist from my network, including myself as I totally want to take part in and try out my own residency. The other artist are: Tina Nykvist, Elin Magnusson and Vilda Kvist!

This years Station takes place in a house (see image below) and in the old “Folkets Hus” (Peoples movements house) in central parts of Kil. The artists will visit Kil from 29th of July to 18th of August. The public events are the 1st, 8th and 15th of August.

Hope to see you there! Let’s all hope for continued funding so that great artists can apply for this next year and the year after that and the year after that…


Photo by Lina Nyåker, Kils Kommun.

“Håll om mig 100 gånger” – Viewing of new works at Sannerudsskolan

Welcome to Kil 22/8 2013, 6 pm, for a viewing of the art obtained for the newly built school, Sannerudsskolan. My site specifik work “Håll om mig 100 gånger”, will be shown for the first time. Here’s what it looks like prior to installation.


“Fan, Anna. Vi var ju barn nyss?” at Temporära Konsthallen.

“Fan, Anna. Vi var ju barn nyss?” (“Damn it, Anna. Were we not children just recently?”) will be shown at “Temporära Konstbion” at Temporära Konsthallen, Stockholm, 8/6, 5 pm.

See more information on the facebook event here.


Gallery 1:10 at Konstfrämjandet Värmland

My project and I are going to Karlstad! Gallery 1:10 will show “Ward Robe in Spare Oom” at Konstfrämjandet Värmland. Welcome to the opening on May 10th. Click here for the Facebook event.

Gallery 1:10 på Galleri Verkligheten, Umeå

“Ward Robe in Spare Oom” på Gallery 1:10.
Galleri Verkligheten, Umeå 1/3-22/3 2013

Utställningen “Ward Robe in Spare Oom” tar avstamp i ett missförstånd som uppstår i berättelsen om sagolandet Narnia (CS Lewis) när faunen Mr Tumnus möter människan Lucy som just anlänt till landet genom en garderob. Hon förklarar: “I came through the wardrobe in the spare room”. Mr Tumnus bjuder i sin tur med henne på te och, i ett försök att förstå, formulerar han hennes ursprung: “the far land of Spare Oom where the eternal summer reigns around the bright city of Ward Robe.”

Med utgångspunkt i detta poetiska missförstånd fokuserar och funderar den här utställningen kring öppningar mellan olika världar och verkligheter och synen på dem där i mellan. Utifrånperspektiv och försök att återberätta någons berättelse eller något som hänt blandas med undersökningar av verklighet, förskjutningar och språkliga experiment.

Johanna Adebäck & Merve Ertufan
Johan Thurfjell
Tina Nykvist
Vilda Kvist

Ward Robe in Spare Oom visas i Gallery 1:10 som i sin tur visas på Galleri Verkligheten 1-22 mars 2013.
